What a happy family! 多么幸福的家庭啊777.777%李明是一名学生,他从出生起就住在上海。但是他的祖父住在台湾,因为他在上海解放前就去了台湾。他是个商人。半个世纪以来,李明';他的家人不知道他住在哪里。他们非常想念他。幸运的是,他爷爷的一封信在今年10月寄到了他们那里,信上说他爷爷将于12月24日回上海。李明';孩子的父母听到这个消息非常兴奋,他们都不知道;好几个晚上都睡不好觉。李明也没有。888.888%的一天终于到来了。12月24日,李明一家在去机场的路上。当他们终于(小学三年级英语作文)

出自:小学三年级英语作文大全  发布于:2021年06月26日

Li Ming is a student who has been living in Shanghai since he was born. But his grandfather lives in Taiwan, because he went to Taiwan before Shanghai was liberated. He is a merchant. For about half a century, Li Ming's family have no idea where he lives. They miss him very much. Fortunately, a letter from his grandfather reached them this October,which said that his grandfather would be back to Shanghai on December 24th. Li Ming's parents were so excited about the news that they didn't sleep well for several nights. Neither did Li Ming.

The day finally came. On December 24th, the family of Li Ming were on their way to the airport. When they met at last, they gave grandfather a big hug, tears in their eyes. They got together. What a happy family!
