
出自:初一/七年级英语作文大全  发布于:2019年12月26日

Forgiveness is an important character of people. In our whole long life, we are impossible to make no mistakes or do nothing wrong. Therefore, it’s essential for us to be tolerant. Everyone deserves a second chance when he or she makes a mistake. Forging others sometimes is forgiving ourselves. Keeping something unpleasant in mind does no good to us. Letting the unhappy matters go brings happiness and pleasure back to our life.

宽恕是人的重要品质。在我们漫长的一生中,我们不可能不犯错误,也不可能什么都不做。因此,我们必须宽容。当每个人犯错时,都应该有第二次机会。 欺骗别人有时就是原谅自己。把不愉快的事记在心里对我们没有好处。让不快乐的事情过去,会给我们的生活带来快乐和快乐
