find a penpal 找笔友_118个单词(高三英语作文)

出自:高三英语作文大全  发布于:2021年06月28日

Dear teacher:


I 'm Li Hua, I need to improve my English and I think finding a penpals can help me with this problem.If I own a penpal who is a native English,that would be nice! Having a penpal can help me practice reading and writting.I also can learn some grammar while I am reading the letters,Then,as I reply to the letter,I can use the gammar I am learning so that I can get a lot of practice. In a word,I can not only make much progress in English ,but also get much fun,I really want to find a penpal,Could you please help me?

I '李华,我需要提高我的英语,我想找一个笔友可以帮我解决这个问题。如果我有一个以英语为母语的笔友,那就太好了!有一个笔友可以帮助我练习读写。我也可以在读信的同时学习一些语法,然后,当我回信的时候,我可以使用我正在学习的gammar,这样我就可以得到很多的练习。总之,我不仅在英语方面有了很大的进步,而且也得到了很多乐趣,我真的很想找个笔友,你能帮我吗?
